Zero Liquid Discharge Systems is not about putting big evaporators, crystallizers at end of effluent treatment plants. It is a way of making industries more accountable for the water intake and building trust of communities in large scale industrial set ups. It has been common phenomenon world wide that large scale industries are not welcome into any area because they cause problem with there liquid and air discharges. More over due to rapid urbanization and high number of industries with limited water sources there is no chance of natural dilution, diffusion, self adjustment, self purification, process to occur in water bodies. So governments all over the world are implementing Zero Liquid Policy that help companies builds trust with local communities, improve brand value and makes them accountable to resources of the nation.

Zero Liquid Discharge policy mandates that all the water and liquids waste to be recycled and reused in the industrial compound itself. To achieve Zero Liquid Discharge the whole cycle of intake, process and treatment of water, effluent has be optimized.

Envirotech helps its client to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge in following ways

  • Optimizing the intake methods of water
  • Providing process water treatment plants with minimum wastage of intake water
  • Providing process inputs that bring down consumption of process water
  • Optimizing all the manufacturing process
  • Optimizing the House Maintaining activities in the industry to mitigate generation of waste
  • By providing clients in Total Plant Water Management Systems
  • Providing energy efficient evaporators
  • Providing effluent treatment plants that can provide 90-95 % recovery
  • Providing energy efficient crystallizers

We offer state of art effluent treatment plants to reclaim the 90-95% of effluent water with conventional and membrane filtration processes. To reclaim the rest of the water we can provide evaporators of following configurations based on the quantity and application

  • Multi Effect Falling Film Brine Evaporators
  • Multi Effect Forced Circulation Evaporators
  • Horizontal Spray Evaporators
  • Fluidized Bed Evaporators